The Yin Yang Theory

Another first in our household since hubby’s passing. Its our little miracle’s 7th birthday. For those who know my blog, you will know that he is on the autism spectrum.

I look back today on the challenges he has faced, that I have faced, that we have faced and I am proud. Of him, of us, of me.

Losing his dad at such a young age, I was worried the effect it would have on him. But, alas, this little gem has just grown from strength to strength. His dad would be so amazingly proud of him. Often than not he is my strength and helps me through.

It’s 6 months since his dad has passed and it’s as if it has spurred him to grow in leaps and bounds. Wish his dad was here to see him now. Wish he was here, so I could let him know we have been given the go ahead to send him into main stream schooling.

Hence my Yin Yang title. For with every bad situation there is a good. We might not see it or understand the logic in it but it is there. We just need to take a step back to appreciate it and not just focus on the negative.

Fagri, thank you! For blessing me with our amazing kids, for instilling in them what was important. Thank you, for the life we had. We still miss you.

Often, the truly great and valuable lessons we learn in life are learned through pain. That’s why they call it “growing pains.” It’s all about yin and yang. And that’s not something you order off column A at your local Chinese restaurant.




So it is said that an Autistic child views the world differently to that on an average person.

It is my view that they see it at its best and for all its beauty. They do not see pain, hurt and anger.

They have the most creative and imaginative minds.

A simple road trip for my son is an adventure, a thrill ride.

I always sit back and enjoy his jovial ways when we travel.

It becomes a theme park for him and he’s on a roller-coaster ride having the time of his life.

At any downslope in any road no matter how small, he sits on the backseat, throws his hands up in the air and shouts “Wheeee”.

All I can do is smile and appreciate that through all the ups and downs in life, this little one has taught me to appreciate the small things.

My life without him would be a bore….


Abilities are limited, but there is no limit for imagination.